Creating Healthy Cells

Comparing our body structures to a building is a good way to begin analyzing the stuff we’re made of: cells. The health of a building depends on the material it is constructed of, so it is important to use bricks that will stand the test of time. If the bricks are not of the highestContinue reading “Creating Healthy Cells”

Heart Month Goes On . . .

Even though February featured an awareness month for heart health, it does not mean that we should be unaware of the importance of doing all that we can to keep our hearts healthy throughout the year. And not just being aware but actually taking steps to support our cardiovascular systems. Along with regular physical activityContinue reading “Heart Month Goes On . . .”

Vitamin F

Two of the more interesting nutrients that are essential for every human being are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA), plant-based omega-3 and -6. AIMega provides both of these essential fatty acids. What isn’t all that well-known about these vital forms of omega-3 and -6 is that they were initially called vitamin F. FirstContinue reading “Vitamin F”

An Angel on Earth

Shared by Denise P. DeVito, AIM Preferred Member in Stony Brook, New York. About 15 years ago, I had a doctor’s appointment regarding my thyroid. I was on medication and gaining weight that I could not lose no matter how hard I tried. My physician told me everything was good. She also said that IContinue reading “An Angel on Earth”

Fortify My Family

AIM Director Emily Layton personally knows that out of the most painful experiences can come beautiful things. She ended up having a business that greatly serves people’s nutritional needs as a result of her 13-year-old daughter’s health issues. “It started about three years ago,” Emily related. “We were in the throws of darkness, trying toContinue reading “Fortify My Family”

Belle’s Story

Shared by Michelle Long, AIM Chairman’s Club Director in Cleburne, Texas. Belle is our 10-year-old German shepherd who acts more like she’s three in terms of her activity level and athleticism.In the fall of 2020, she developed a slight limp in one of her front legs that became progressively worse though intermittent. A few weeksContinue reading “Belle’s Story”

10 Top Supplement Ingredients

The popularity of vitamins, minerals, herbs, extracts and other supplements is something that changes over the time, depending on the latest research and trends. The following are some of the most popular ingredients that can be found in the AIM product lineup. 1. ) Multivitamins Supplements that are multivitamins are synthesized in laboratories because youContinue reading “10 Top Supplement Ingredients”

Inside Edible Plants

The plant kingdom has provided the world’s healthiest source of nutrition since the dawn of time. Today, we know that there are over 50,000 edible plants on the planet. Of course, only a small fraction of those end up in our meals. Just 12 plant sources along with five animal sources make up around 75Continue reading “Inside Edible Plants”

A Balanced Connection

Shared by Jan Baxter, AIM Director in Waterloo, Ontario. In mid-June during the COVID-19 pandemic, I spent some time at our cottage. After a day of kayaking and biking, I was reading on the couch when a frightening incident occurred with my vision. Some cloudiness suddenly appeared in the lower part of my left eye,Continue reading “A Balanced Connection”

The Nature of Inflammation

There’s a theory that chronic inflammation is at the core of disease, including those that are non-infectious. Even with this realization, inflammation is usually treated after the fact. In other words, once an inflammatory condition has been identified, only then is something done to alleviate the inflammation. Testing for inflammation usually involves measuring the presenceContinue reading “The Nature of Inflammation”