The One-On-One Connection

There is more than one way to grow an AIM business these days, especially since the availability of the internet and computerized devices you can hold in one hand. Still, one of the tried-and-true methods that builds a solid foundation involves connecting with people on a personal level. It’s an aspect of retail sales thatContinue reading “The One-On-One Connection”

My Journey With AIM has a Purpose

Shared by Zoe E. Tshuku du, AIM Director in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am a proud founder of a fertility clinic based in Johannesburg. My AIM journey started in June 1998. At that stage of my life, my biggest challenge was having to end each day at noon due to excessive fatigue. Within a weekContinue reading “My Journey With AIM has a Purpose”

The Past, Present and Future of Network Marketing

By Nicolas van Rensburg, Future Development Consultant for The AIM Companies. Network marketing has transformed a lot over the decades, providing an avenue for entrepreneurial people to build businesses on their own terms. What started as a new promotion method has grown into a $200 billion global industry. In the early days, the person-to-person modelContinue reading “The Past, Present and Future of Network Marketing”

The Datasheet Dig

The AIM Companies™ wants you to be well aware of each natural health product that you take. Along with the information provided online, in printed publications and on product labels, AIM produces in-depth datasheets, which go beyond colorful product brochures. Datasheets give you detailed information about a product’s ingredients, features, benefits and usage. Once youContinue reading “The Datasheet Dig”

How to Build a Successful Network Marketing Business in Today’s Market

By Nicolas van Rensburg, Future Development Consultant for The AIM Companies. Network marketing is a powerful business model that can provide life-changing value to those willing to put in the work. However, succeeding in this industry requires working smart, embracing both traditional methods and current trends. In this article, we will discuss key strategies toContinue reading “How to Build a Successful Network Marketing Business in Today’s Market”

The Business of Network Marketing

The business model of The AIM Companies™ launched in 1982 encompasses the world of network marketing, a concept that has been around for roughly 100 years. This way of direct selling bypasses physical retail shops relying on the foot traffic of customers. Network marketing provides an opportunity for individuals to start and grow businesses byContinue reading “The Business of Network Marketing”

Focusing on Relationships – Not Sales

By Nicolas van Rensburg, Future Development Consultant for The AIM Companies. Network marketing is built on relationships and referrals, not hard sales pitches. The most successful network marketers are those who approach their business by making friends first and connecting people with opportunities second. After almost 20 years in this industry, here are the keyContinue reading “Focusing on Relationships – Not Sales”

Building Relationships

By Nicolas van Rensburg, Future Development Consultant for The AIM Companies. Are you ready to take your AIM business to new heights in 2023? Success may not come easy, but there’s a secret weapon that can help you grow your business: relationships. Relationships are the lifeblood of network marketing. By building strong connections with yourContinue reading “Building Relationships”

A New Lease on Life Through Nutrition

Shared by Giles Richardson, AIM Group Builder in Roodepoort, South Africa. For the greater part of the past 40 years, I have lived with stiffness and severe pain in my body. Getting up from a chair or into a car has been a major challenge. I was also plagued with stabbing nerve pain running upContinue reading “A New Lease on Life Through Nutrition”

Getting Your AIM Business Off to a Good Start

For Members who are new to AIM, getting your home-based business up and running could not be simpler in regard to red tape. As soon as you sign up as a Member, you’re officially in business as an independent distributor of the AIM products. You’ve chosen well. And just like starting any business, there’s aContinue reading “Getting Your AIM Business Off to a Good Start”