Sacred Bark

One AIM ingredient with an extensively long history for promoting bowel movements is sourced from the bark of Frangula purshiana, better known as cascara sagrada. Growing as both a shrub and a tree, cascara sagrada is also the common herbal name that was assigned to it centuries ago by the Spanish after Native Americans introducedContinue reading “Sacred Bark”

The PrepZymes Digestive Boost

Every time you eat, the process of digesting food is both mechanical and enzymatic. Mechanically, food is chewed, churned in the stomach and moved through the intestinal tract. Enzymatically, food is broken down into small enough particles that allow nutrition to be absorbed into the bloodstream. PrepZymes contributes to this vital breakdown of food byContinue reading “The PrepZymes Digestive Boost”

Asking About Fit ’n Fiber

The October issue of Living Well magazine featured an article on AIM’s fiber supplements, delving into their notable benefits and differences. Digging even deeper into the types of fiber in Fit ’n Fiber brings up a number of questions, some of which are answered on this page. What determines the acacia, guar gum and konjacContinue reading “Asking About Fit ’n Fiber”

Supplemental Fiber from AIM

The importance of fiber in our dietary intake has a long history, most notably for the treatment of constipation that dates all the way back to ancient Greece. There was a period of time in our recent history during which fiber was considered food waste that contributed to the elimination of essential nutrients from theContinue reading “Supplemental Fiber from AIM”

Soak Up Mag-nificence CWR

The human body contains around 25 grams of magnesium, up to 60 percent of which is found in bones and soft tissue, notably muscles. It’s an essential mineral that is required for important roles in both the structure and function of your body. As a matter of fact, magnesium is the second most abundant positivelyContinue reading “Soak Up Mag-nificence CWR”

Release Herbal Release!

Why internally release a combination of cleansing herbs by taking Herbal Release? Because your body can always benefit from plant-based-power cleaning. The task of removing toxins and waste from the body is an ongoing process. A number of body systems that include organs such as the liver, kidneys and colon are continuously involved in gettingContinue reading “Release Herbal Release!”

Supplemental Fiber Part Two: AIM Fit ’n Fiber

Getting enough fiber from dietary intake is an important part of staying healthy. However, statistics show that most people in North America fall short of an adequate intake. AIM provides two fiber supplements that can boost fiber intake: Herbal Fiberblend and Fit ’n Fiber. This July blog focuses on the product benefits of Fit ’nContinue reading “Supplemental Fiber Part Two: AIM Fit ’n Fiber”

Supplemental Fiber Part One: AIM Herbal Fiberblend

The importance of fiber in our dietary intake has a long history, most notably for the treatment for constipation that dates all the way back to ancient Greece. There was a period of time in our recent history that fiber was considered food waste that contributed to the elimination of essential nutrients from the body.Continue reading “Supplemental Fiber Part One: AIM Herbal Fiberblend”

Supplemental Summer Nutrition

June 21 marked the first official day of summer. It’s a season that is often longed for during the dead of winter and warmly anticipated come spring. Blue skies and sunshine entice people out of doors for the better part of the day, making this a time of open-air activity. Even with the heat, beingContinue reading “Supplemental Summer Nutrition”

Positive Changes for Just Carrots and RediBeets

Anyone who has ordered Just Carrots or RediBeets lately will likely have noticed changes in these nutritious whole-food powders, and some may wonder if something is wrong. In reality, the changes are the result of taking steps in the right direction to make AIM nutrition improvements in a continuing pursuit to deliver wholesome, high-quality nutritionalContinue reading “Positive Changes for Just Carrots and RediBeets”