REPLY – Day & Night Cream’s Wasabi Root Extract

As one of the unique ingredients in the formulation of REPLY Day & Night Cream, wasabi root extract is a botanical most recognized as a popular condiment from Japan. The green paste that spices up sashimi and sushi comes from the root (rhizome) of the wasabi plant (Wasabi japonica). The effect of consuming wasabi, akaContinue reading “REPLY – Day & Night Cream’s Wasabi Root Extract”

The Flavonoid Advantage

Consuming a diversity of plant-based foods provides you with such a wealth of nutrition, especially when it comes to phytonutrients. For the most part, these plant compounds have not been given dietary intake references; however, plant-based research continues to confirm their health benefits. Some of the most common phytonutrients in the human diet come fromContinue reading “The Flavonoid Advantage”


Food comes in a variety of forms, from natural to ultra-processed. Fresh produce from nutrient-rich soil tops the list of natural, raw foods that support good health. As food variety goes from whole, plant-based fruits and vegetables to other forms, processing comes into play. Baking, cooking and preparing foods are types of processing, so theContinue reading Ultra-Processed

4 Plant-Based Benefits

Immune System Support Plants naturally produce a wealth of essential nutrients that are not present in other foods. The antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals in plants are vital for keeping your cells healthy, your body in balance and your immune system functioning optimally. A primarily plant-based diet maintains a strong immune system. High-Fiber Intake MakingContinue reading “4 Plant-Based Benefits”

The Best of Beets

RediBeets provides all the best of beets from a pure extracted juice that is dried into a concentrated powder. One of the many healthy benefits of beets is that they contain an incredibly rich source of nitrate, a nitrogen-oxygen compound that is absorbed from soil by these root vegetables.  Your body uses this healthy formContinue reading “The Best of Beets”

Planting Seeds of Hope

Shared by Cindy Ponchot-Watson, AIM Star Sapphire Director in Anderson, Indiana.    On a cold morning in January, I sat looking at two seed catalogs that were sent to me the very first week after Christmas. “That’s too early for gardening,” some of you may think. However, true gardeners start to dream and plan theirContinue reading “Planting Seeds of Hope”

CoCoa LeafGreens for Allergies

Shared by Rose Stoltzfus, AIM Director in Gap, Pennsylvania.    In January 2015, our 11-year-old daughter, Laura, became really sick. We took her to the doctor, who said she had bronchitis. Shortly thereafter she became ill again. Once more, we took her to the doctor and that time, they said Laura had allergies. Near theContinue reading “CoCoa LeafGreens for Allergies”

March On with BarleyLife

March 20 is a turning point. In the Northern Hemi­sphere, the date officially marks winter turning into spring. The return of green marks the former winter landscape with new leafy growth and the promise of fresh greens from gardens and farms. Three days before the first day of spring is green-themed St. Patrick’s Day. MarchContinue reading “March On with BarleyLife”

It’s All About Nutrition

Looking at Health Awareness Calendars for 2019, it’s interesting to note that March stands out as Nutrition Month in the United States and Canada. It’s especially interesting for The AIM Companies™, given that this Member-driven organization is in the business of sharing “Nutrition that works!” It’s a simple yet significant catch-phrase that reflects the importanceContinue reading “It’s All About Nutrition”

Kosher Certifications

Any time is a perfect time to remind others of the top three reasons why we (The AIM Companies) procure an OK Kosher Certification each year. The OK kosher mark is an especially valuable selling point when potential new Members first learn about AIM products. BarleyLife, Just Carrots and RediBeets all have the OK symbolContinue reading “Kosher Certifications”