Getting a Nutritional Education

Late August or early September is the time associated with going back to school. Education time. Beyond what is learned from kindergarten through col­lege, parents have the ability to educate their children with an important, long-life lesson: the value of wholesome nutrition. It’s significant because there’s a media marketplace—TV, the internet, smart phones—that sells young people a poor-nutrition road to bad health: fast foods, soft drinks, processed snacks, to name just a few.

Unwholesome Advertising

It’s still an eye-opener to look back at the early days of advertising, when doctors promoted one cigarette brand over another. Have we really come that far since then? Possibly not, when you consider the marketing of so-called food and beverages that study after study show the likelihood for promoting the onset of diseases, such as obesity and diabetes1 as well as cancer2.

Such advertising is still legal and very profitable . . . just not ethical if a company truly cares about the long-term health of consumers and their children. In 2013, Fast Food Facts reported that children and teens remained key audiences by the fast food industry, which spent $4.6 billion to advertise mostly unhealthy products3. Even under all of the marketing pressure, parents can step in and make a difference.

Taste Training

Getting your kids to eat well is a worthwhile task. As a parent, you have the power of providing nutrition, so make choices that create good food habits. For example, introducing a variety of vegetables to young children and “marketing” them in a fun way can shape their taste for healthy foods4.

Introducing AIM nutrition to your children gives them a supplemental advantage for a long, healthy life­time. Kids who crave a glass of BarleyLife or Co­Coa LeafGreens instead of a bag of po­tato chips nurture their physical and mental well-being.

Chairman’s Club Director Sandy Combs has been such an educator since becoming an AIM Member in 1985. Sandy and her husband, Wayne, have six children, 21 grandkids and “a bunch of great-grandkids.” AIM nutrition has been a big part of their lives and the lives touched by Sandy’s help.

“Moms put BarleyLife into baby bottles to help children stay sat­isfied longer,” Sandy explained. “As my grandkids grew, AIM products entered into the school sports scene, fueling winning positions in baseball, softball, football and cheerleading. Championship com­petitions were joined with AIM’s champion products.”

Giving children a nutritional education helps them to graduate with a high degree of good health in life.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve.


The AIM Companies has been dedicated to improving the quality of people’s lives with life-changing products like BarleyLife and Co­Coa LeafGreens and by rewarding passionate Members with a free-enterprise compensation plan.

Published by The AIM Companies

The AIM Companies pioneered the use of plants—barley, carrots, and beets—as vehicles to deliver the body concentrated nutrition conveniently. Founded in 1982 in Nampa, Idaho, The AIM Companies has operations in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, providing AIM products to more than 30 countries around the world.

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